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Library And Laboratory Policies

    Library and Reading Room

  • College Library follows Open-access system.
  • Strict silence shall be maintained in the Library
  • Students are allowed to use the Library during 9.00 A.M. to 1.45p.m. and 2.15 P.M. to 5.00 P.M.

    Library Rules and Regulations :

  • Each aided course student will be given three tickets to borrow three books for UG Student. PG students will be given four tickest to borrow four books.
  • Books of reference should not be taken out of Library.
  • The Students are required to bring the Identity card positively. A Student shall use the book for 15 days and renewal can be made for three times.
  • Any marking, underlining, clipping of annotating in books are forbidden.
  • Books should be returned on or before the last date stamped on the date slip.
  • A student who fails to return the book within the prescribed time shall be fined Rs 1/- for each College working day of default. Library fine shall be paid to the college.
  • if a book is lost the student has to pay three times of the current price of the book.
  • Neither the Hall Ticket nor the Transfer Certificate and conduct certificate will be issued to those who fail to surrender their library books..
  • Staff and students while entering the library are requested to enter their details in the library register.
  • Book issue time 9:00.A.M. to. 5.00 P.M. Only

    Laboratory Rules and Regulations :

  • Students should do only the specified experiments given in the cycle.
  • The interference of any student into other's work is prohibited and punishable.
  • Students should handle the apparatus with care.
  • The difficulty felt during the practical work should be brought immediately to the notice of the Staff Member.
  • Any article or apparatus broken by students must be replaced. In fixing up charge, 'decision Of the HOD shall be final
  • Each student should provide himself/herself with two note, books. On any account paper should not be used for record observations. Students should obtain the note book supplied in the laboratory.
  • Students should have completed 80% of practical to appear for the summative practical examinations.

The bonafide certificate for practical work required as per the University regulation will not be granted unless the attendance and the performance of the student in the laboratory is satisfactory