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S.No. Name of the Staff Designation
1 Capt. Dr. K.R.Srinivasan Principal and Chief Controller of Examinations
2 Dr. J.Duraichamy Controller of Examinations
3 Dr. T.Thanga Pandi Murugan Deputy Controller of Examinations
4 Dr. T.S.Manikandan Assistant Controller of Examinations
5 P.B.Hariharan Technical Assistant
6 K.N.S.Vinodha Junior Assistant cum Computer Operator
7 S.S.Logeshkumar D.E.O. cum Typist
8 B.S.Janardhanan Clerk
9 R.P.Padmini Clerk

  • In every semester, two centralised internal assessment tests will be conducted and 3rd test will be decentralised for P.G. Courses
  • Semester examinations will be held in November and April for the odd and even semesters respectively. .
  • Application for the semester examinations will be issued to the students from the Office of the Controller of Examinations.
  • Students should verify the details in the application such as Photo, Name, Register number and the Title of the Papers and their Codes.
  • Students should pay the examination fees in the college office.
  • The application, signed by the student and forwarded by the Head of the Department must be submitted to the Office of the Controller of the Examinations on or before the due date.
  • Late applications will not be accepted on any circumstances
  • Hall Tickets will be issued to the students by the college office on the submission of "No Dues" Certificates.
  • It is mandatory for the students to bring the Hall Ticket and Identity Card for all the examinations.
  • Indulging in copying, malpractices and exchange of answer sheets will be viewed seriously.

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Vilachery Main Road,
Pasumalai (P.O),
Madurai 625 004.