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Tamil Department

Sourashtra College was started in 1967. Sanctioned post is four. At that time Part I Tamil Department original and Dr. Ramakodi was the head of the department. Under his leadership there were three assistant professers. They Were
1. Prof. V. Sonai M.A.
2. Dr. P.M. Santhamoorthy M.A. Ph.D.,
3. Prof. D.R. Subramanian M.A.
When Prof. Dr. K.V.Ramakodi retired & Prof. V. Sonai retired Dr. P.M. Santhamoorthy became the head of the department. Under his leadership the assistant professors were
1. Prof. D.R. Subramanian M.A., M.Phil.,
2.Prof. N.K. Nirmala M.A., M.Phil., (K.V.Ramakodi Place)
When Dr. P.M. Santhamoorthy retired Thiru Prof. D.R. Subramanian became the head of the department. Under his leadership the assistant professors were
1.Prof. N.K. Nirmala M.A., M.Phil.,
2.Prof. R.R.Kubendran M.A., M.Phil.,B.Ed. (Appointed on 16.02.2000) (Head & Associate Professor)
( Place Dr. P.M. Santhamoorthy) When Thiru Prof. D.R. Subramanian retired Mrs. Dr. R.Chitra became the head of the department.
Under her leadership the assistant professors were
1.Prof. N.K. Nirmala M.A., M.Phil.,
2.Prof. R.R.Kubendran M.A., M.Phil.,B.Ed.
3. Dr. J. S. Urmila M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.,
4. Dr. K.R. Lakshimi M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., ( Appointed on15.10.2007) (Prof. D.R. Subramanian Place)
Prof. N.K. Nirmala was retired on17.03 2007. After her retirement Dr. M.Muthamil Selvi M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., appointed on14.08.2013 (Prof. N.K. Nirmala Place)
Dr. J. S. Urmila appointed as a principal for Sourashtra College for women on 22.07.2015 . Instead of Dr. J. S. Urmila Dr. S.R. Devika appointed on 22.07.2015.
So now under the leadership of Mrs. Dr. R.Chitra in Tamil department functioning with four faculties
1.Prof. R.R.Kubendran M.A., M.Phil.,B.Ed.M.A.(Eng),D.G.T
2. Dr. K.R. Lakshimi M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.,
3. Dr. M.Muthamil Selvi M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.,
4. S.R. Devika M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., P.G.D.C.A,. (S/F)



To develop the writing skills, oratory skills & service mind through teaching Tamil.
To preserve the Tamil Culture and Arts.

Special Features

The department conducts periodically Vasakar Vattam.
We are developing the students mentality to serve the society by helping the aged people, visually challenged and transgender people.

Future planning

We have planned to initiate P.G. Tamil as a major subject with computer application.


Certificate course on இதழியல்

Sl.No. Name of the Staff Designation Profile
1. Thiru. R.R. KUBENDRAN Head & AssociateProfessor
2. Dr. K.R. LAKSHMI Associate Professor
3. Dr K. MUTHAMILSELVI Assistant Professor
4. Dr J S Urmila Assistant Professor
2. Dr.R.SankareshwariHead & Assistant Professor
3. Dr.L.C.ShanthiHead & Assistant Professor
4. Dr.K.S.UmaHead & Assistant Professor