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Department of Botany

The Department of Botany has a long and distinguished history of excellence characterized by competent faculty, who have made major contributions to Plant Science over the past 50 years. Prof. V. R. SATYA MOORTHY was instrumental to introduce the Biology subject as a supportive course for P.U.C. in 1967. Later, Prof.N.M.R. CHANDRAKANTHAN took initiatives to establish the Botany Department in 1978 from the Biology Department and rendering academic services to undergraduate students of Chemistry as an ancillary subject. He taught classes in Plant Science and as a well-known plant taxonomist documented the flora of the Sourashtra College. He became the Principal of the college in 2006 and served in the position until 2009.


Course Content

Plant Diversity, Taxonomy of Angiosperms, Embryology of Angiosperms, Plant Physiology, Applied Botany, Horticulture and Economic Botany

Special Features

Well ventilated lab with power and water supply. Microscopes, all necessary botanical specimens, charts, chemicals and glasswares for conducting practicals

Faculty Members

Sl.No. Name of the Staff DesignationProfile
1. Dr. M. VENKATESANHead & Associate Professor